icse 9 language of chemistry 001

Language of chemistry

Write the molecular formulas for the following-

1.       Potassium iodide

2.       Sodium sulphite

3.       Calcium nitrate

4.       Zinc carbonate

5.       Iron[III] nitrate

Write the valency for the following-

1.       Aluminate

2.       Phosphate

3.       Aluminium

4.       Nickel

5.       Hydrogen bi sulphate

Write the balanced chemical equation for the following

1.       Aluminium + chloride→ aluminium chloride

2.       Magnesium + carbondioxide→ magnesium oxide + carbon

3.       Calcium+ water→calcium hydroxide+ hydrogen

4.       Potassium bicarbonate→potassium carbonate+ water+ carbon dioxide

5.       Iron+ hydrochloric acid→iron[II]chloride+ hydrogen



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