high school english grammar worksheet 004

A.        Fill in the blanks with preposition

1.         I would have helped my friends ______  I had enough money

2.         She found it difficult to get on with her, ____________ because of the difference in their age

3.         He may apologise or not ______________ I am not going to revoke his suspension

4.         I have finished my lunch _____________ has he.

5.         Truth has no tongue, __________ it will speak

6.         He is a drunkard. He is a gambler ___________

7.         I admitted my mistake _______ the other passanger made a mistake

8.         He committed a crime ______ he was arrested

9.         A book is a book _______ there is nothing in it

10.       He has not solved all the questions_______________ he hopes to pass in English

B. fill in the blanks with propsitions.

1.      The battle resulted _________ the victory of India.

2.      One should be sure ____ what one plans to do

3.      They scoffed _____ my suggestion.

4.      He has great ambition _______ fame

5.      I always find him negligen ________  his studies

6.      I got ________ difficulties

7.      She was angry_______ me

8.      He was weak _______ the head

9.      He was devoid _______ sense

10.  He is __________ the committee

C. question tags

1.      This is useless, _____________?

2.      Most of us dislike alcohol, _____________?

3.      All of us are needy _____________?

4.      That is sure ____________?

5.      Let them speak __________?

6.      I needn’t to ask him _____________?

7.      No one knows little about him, _____________?

8.      These children seldom go to school, ______________?

9.      Don’t waste your time, ______________?

10.  They hardly come to me __________________?


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