icse 9 atomic structure and chemical bonding 001

Atomic structure and chemical bonding

1.       What is an atom

2.       Name the sub atomic particles in an element

3.       Differentiate between atomic and mass number

4.       Draw a atomic diagram and label the following-

a.       Orbits

b.      Electrons

c.       Nucleus

d.      M shell

e.      Neutrons

5.       How can we find out the neutron number in an element

6.       Write the maximum number of electrons that can be present in

a.       L shell

b.      M shell

c.       N shell

7.       Given the atomic number and mass number of an element “X” is 9 and 19 respectively. Find out the following-

a.       Number of protons, electrons, neutrons

b.      Draw the atomic diagram

c.       Valency

d.      Metal or non metal

e.      Electronic configuration

8.       In an element what does “A” and “Z” stands for

9.       An element has 3 electrons in the outermost orbit. Is the element metal or non metal. Justify your answer. What is the valency of the element

10.   The atomic number of the element is 14, write the electronic configuration of the same

11.   What are isotopes

12.   Mention the isotopes of hydrogen and draw the atomic diagram of the same

13.   Differentiate between octet and duplet rule

14.   What is the valency of the noble gases

15.   What is a chemical bond

16.   Differentiate between electrovalent and covalent bond

17.   Draw the atomic orbit structure of-

a.       Methane

b.      Carbon tetra chloride

c.       Ammonia

d.      Water

e.      Nitrogen



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