grade 6 icse how do we learn about history 001

Mixed question bank-

a.       What is history

b.      People who study history are called________

c.       What is the importance of history

d.      What are the main sources for the history . how are they classified. Explain in detail

e.      What are artifacts

f.        The study of coins is called_

g.       How dos study of coins help in Indian history

h.      What are monuments. What information does it reveal to us

i.         What are inscription. What information does inscriptions give us

j.        What are literary sources

k.       Why were birch barks used in the ancient times

l.         Mention the two types of literary sources. Differentiate between them

m.    The two important epics of Indians are _______ and _____

n.      ________ was written by valmikhi.its the story of ____ in ____ who believed to be the incarnation of hindhu god Vishnu.he went on an exile with sita and his younger brother__.sita was kidnapped by__. With the help of _____rama attacked lanka and killed __.

o.      Mahabharatha was written by____

p.      Why was the mahabharatha war fought. Between whom did the battle take place

q.      What is secular literature

r.        Name the important books written by the following author

i.                     Kautilya

ii.                   Kalidasa

iii.                  Megasthanese



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