cbse 9 matter in our surroundings 001

matter in our surroundings

A.     Define

1.      What is plasma?

2.      Latent heat of fusion?

3.      Evaporation

4.      Surface area evaporation

5.      Three states of matter

B.     Answer in short

1.      How is pressure developed in a container full of a gas?

2.      Why do solids and liquids have open surface while gases do not?

3.      What is sublimation? Give an example with illustration.

4.      What is evaporation? In the follow state which factor is responsible for the change in rate of evaporation and how?

5.      State two diff b/w evaporation and boiling?

C.     Diff b/w

1.      LPG and CNG

2.      Latent heat of fusion and latent heat of transpiration

3.      Solids and gases

4.      Liquids and  solids

5.      Boiling point and melting point


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