high school english grammar worksheet 003


A.     Fill in the blanks such ‘as’, ‘ since’, while

1.      ____________  he is your younger brother you should take care of him

2.      Mohan has been fined _____________ he did not follow the traffic rules

3.      The girls of my class danced ____________ the boy sang.

4.      He married a rich girl _______________ he had arranged a party

5.      ______________ you sow, so shall you reap.

6.      Karim did not appear at the examination __________ he was suffering from jaundice

7.      Strike the iron ___________ it is hot.

8.      __________ he is very dull, he cannot pass the test

9.      __________ my friends is in trouble, I must help him.

10.  Do not disturb me ____________ I complete my home-work

11.  He was badly beaten ___________ he picked the pocket of a passenger

12.  Rekha slipped ______________ she was crossing the road

13.  Keep your hands up ____________ I do

14.  ___________ he is poor he cannot buy a new dress

15.  ____________ she started late, she missed the train.

B.     Fill in the blanks with preposition

1.      He accused me _______ stealing

2.      A man can live ________ weeks without food, _________ days without water, but only a few minutes ______ air,

3.      The connection _______ life and breath is extremely close and breathing is the most important place biological function _______ the body

4.      The land was divided __________ the two brothers

5.      Gandhijee’s faith ___________ vegetarianism went __________ increasing as a result _______ reading books ________ vegetarianism .

6.      I love travelling ______ I find it a source _______ pleasure as well as ______ education

7.      It brings new contacts and experience which add ______ the richness _____ life.

8.      Travelling is much easier today _____ it was _____ the past and now we can even think _____ flying _____ the moon

9.      This was never possible ______ the past.

10.  Then there are pleasures ______ the music_____ our own homes. This pleasure was not available ______ the past.

C.     Question tags

1.      Rahul was absent, _____________?

2.      They rarely go there, ____________?

3.      Don’t forget me, ____________?

4.      Please smile a bit, ____________?

5.      Remember to deposit the money to the bank, _______________?

6.      Remember to post these letters before 4. Pm___________?

7.      These people have no problem, _____________?

8.      Mind your language,  _____________?


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