1st PUC biology- ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS notes- descriptive


1.       Tissue-

a.        a group of cells performing the similar functions

b.      They are of 2 types in plants- meristematic and permanent tissues

2.      Meristematic tissue- are specialized cells present in the regions where active cell divisions are necessary. They are of 3 types

a.       Apical meristems- present at the apex of root and shoot

i.                    Root apical meristem present at the tip of the root

ii.                  Shoot apical is present in the shoot apex

iii.                Few meristems are left behind and they form axillary bud- helps in leaves formation. Branches

b.      Intercalary meristems- present between the mature tissue, generation of grasses when fed by herbivores

Apical and intercalary meristems=primary meristematic tissue

c.       Secondary or lateral meristems- present in mature root and shoot, produces woody axis also called as cylindrical meristems.

Ex- vascular cambium, cork cambium, interfasicular cambium

3.       Permanent tissue- when the following meristems lose there cell division ability they become permanent tissue. They are divided in to simple and complex tissue-

a.       Simple tissues-made of only 1 type od cells, they are

i.                    Parenchyma-major component of the plant, isodiametric shape to oval, spherical…thin cell wall, made of cellulose, small intercellular spaces, storage, photosynthesis and secretion

ii.                  Collenchyma-present below epidermis in dicots, thickened corners deposited by cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Oval, spherical or polygonal. May have chloroplasts, no intercellular spaces, mechanical support in young stem and leaf petiole

iii.                Sclerenchyma- long, narrow, thick, lignified cells with many pits. Dead cell- no cell organelles. Two types- fibres-thick cell wall, elongated, pointed ends, present in groups… sclereids- spherical, oval, cylindrical highly thickened, narrow open- cavity, present in fruit walls nuts, pulp of fruits, …… provides mechanical support

b.      Complex tissue-made of more then one type of cells- xylem and phloem

i.                    Xylem- water and mineral conducting tissue from roots to stem and leaves. The parts of the xylem are-

A.     Trachieds- elongated tube cell, thick wall coz of lignification, tapering ends, dead cells, transport water

B.      Vessel- long cylindrical tube, made of many vessels, liginified with a centre cavity, dead cell, connected to each other by perforations, seen only in angiosperms

C.      Xylem fibres- thick wall central lumen, septate or aseptate, dead cell

D.     Xylem parenchyma- only living cell, thin cell wall, cellulose, storage of food in form of starch, fat, tannins

ii.                  Phloem- transports food from leaves to all parts of the plants, gymnosperms lackssieve tubes and companion cells

A.     Sieve tube elements- long, tube like, arranged longitudinally, with companion cells, end wall has sieve plates, has peripheral cytoplasm, large vacuole, no nucleus. Its controlled by companion cells

B.      Companion cells- parenchymatous, present with sive tubes, and are connected by pits by longitudinal walls, maintains pressure gradients

C.      Phloem parenchyma- elongated tapering, cylindrical cells, dense cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall made of cellulose, has pits and plasmodesmatal connection , stores resins, latex and mucilage

D.     Phloem fibres- are sclerenchymatous cells, elongated, unbranched, pointed needle like apices, thick cell wall, dead cells, jute flax and hemp. Protophloem- primarily formed phloem with narroe sieve tube…..metaphloem- later formed phloem with bigger sieve tube

Tissue system- 3 types

Epidermal tissue system
Ground tissue system
Vascular tissue system
Outer most covering of the plant, has epidermal cells, stomata and trichomes and root hairs.
Cells- elongated, compact arrangement, parenchymatous, less cytoplasm, large vacuole, thick waxy cuticle outside[absent in roots]
Stomata- present on leaves surface, helps in exchange of gases, kidney shaped, inner wall thick outer wall thin, outside has subsidiary epidermal cells
Stomatal aperture+guard cell + subsidiary cells=stomatal apparatus
Root hair-thin, help in absorption f water and mineral salts
Trichomes-multicellular, may or may not be branched, soft/stiff, secretory, prevents transpiration
Ground tissue = epidermis and vascular tissue are absent
parenchyma+collenchyma+sclerenchyma, cells- thin chloroplasts are present called mesophyll tissue
Complex tissue- xylem and phloem
In dicots- it has cambium b/w phloem and xylem=secrondary growth-open vascular bundles
Monocots- no cambium-closed vascular bundles
Alternate xylem and phloem-=radial arrangement-stema na dleaves
In conjoint they are arranged on the same radius- present in outer xylem



EPIDERMIS- outermost layer in shoot and root                                CORTEX-made of many layer cells, +nt beneath epidermis till vasculature                 ENDODERMIS-innermost layer of cortex made of 1 type of cells,no intercell spaces                    CASPERIAN THICKENINGS-outer thickenings present on the endodermis, waxy           PERICYCLE- outer layer of the vascular bundle       CONJUNCTIVE TISSUE- parenchyma cells +nt b/w phloem and xylem         STELE=pericycle+vasculature+pith       HYPODERMIS- differentiated cortex, 2nd layer in the cortex     ENDODERMIS-inner layer of the differentiated cortex                                STARCH SHEATH-starch grains +nt in endodermis                MESOPHYLL- tissue b/w upper and lower epidermis of leaf     PALISADE PARENCHYMA- part of mesophyll, elongated cell,arranged vertically and paralled to each other                  SPONGY PARENCHYMA- part of mesophyll, spherical cells  BUNDLE SHEATH CELLS- thick wall b/w bundle sheath

Epidermis is present, many root hair are seen on the epidermal layer,
Cortex- parenchymatous cells, many layers
Cortex opens to endodermis and then to pericycle
Vascular bundle- 4 xylem and phloem arranged alternate
Secondary growth is seen coz of the cambium
Same as dicot root but more xylem and phloem bundles- polyarchi
No secondary growth
Outer layer epidermis
Epidermis covered with cuticle
Few stomata, cortex- multilayered in hypodermis-thin cell with spaces and endodermis- with starch grains
Pstarch sheath, pericycle +nt,phloem semi lunar patches
Vasculature- radially arranged,ricg like. Conjoint, open, endrach protoxylem
Pith is present
All are same as dicot
Vascular bundles-conjoint, closed peripheral vascular bundles, smaaler
Phloem parenchyma -nt
Mainly has 3 regions=epidermis, mesophyll, vasculature
Epidermis is on upper[adaxial surface-more stomata], lower surface[abaxial – less or no stamata],
Mesophyll has palisade and spongy parenchyma
Vascular size depends on vein size, size of mid vein varies in reticulate veination
Vasculature present in mid ribs and veins
Most of the structure is similar except for the following-
+nce of stomata on 2 sides
No differentiation in mesophyll
Bulliform cells in epidermis[grass]- turgid cells on losing water becomes flaccid there by curling the leaf
Same size vasculature coz of parallel veination

SECONDARY GROWTH-increase in the girth of the plant bought by lateral meristem, cork cambium, vascular cambium

Is because of the xylem and phloem
Dicots- they are +nt b/w primary xylem and phloem=intrafascicular cambium
Cells b/w medullary ray adjoining them form interfascicular cambium,hence continuous ring formed
Cambial ring becomes active and cuts off towards pith[secondary xylem] and periphery[secondary phloem].
cambium more active inner side
secondary medullary rays- a narrow band of parenchyma passing through secondary xylem and phloem
spring/autumn wood-
spring cambium is active, produce many xylem elements with wide cavities. The wood formed in this season is early wood
winter cambium is less active and xylem elements have narrow vessels. This wood is late/autumn wood
SPRING WOOD- light color,low density
AUTUMN WOOD-dark and high density
alternate 2 woods forms annual rings.the annual rings tells us the age of the wood
HEART/SAPWOOD-old trees secondary xylem is dark coz of resins, oils, gums, aromatic oils.this substances make the wood hard, durable and resistance,
Its made of dead cells, lignified walls-heartwood
It doesnot conduct water
Mechanical strength,
SAPWOOD- light color, conduction of water and minerals

When the plant girth increces the discontinuity is formed which is filled up by meristematic cambium called cork cambium / phellogen- thick layer, narrow, rectangular cell
Phellogen cuts in to outer phellem and inner secondary cortex/ phelloderm
Cork is impervious to water coz of suberin deposition
Phelloderm- parenchyma
Coz of this pressure builds and layer die and slough off
Bark is made of periderm and phelloderm
Early season bark- early/soft bark
End season- late/hard bark
Lenticels- pores present on the bark allowing cells to breathe and secretion
In dicot vascular completely secondary origin
Originate from-tissue below phloem, pericycle, protoxylem thereby forming continuity
Further is similar to stem


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