CBSE 9 matter in our surroundings 002

Matter in our surroundings

A.     Answer the following

1.        Name 3 states of matter

2.       How is pressure developed in a container full of a gas

3.       Define solid

4.       Which portion of the graph indicate that change of state is talking place?

5.       What is the effect of temperature and pressure on a gas

6.       Define evaporation

7.       Define humidity

8.       Define melting point of solid

9.       State 2 diff b/w evaporation and boiling

10.    When the forehead of a person is being sponged with cologne, he feels refreshed. Why?

B.      Long answers

1.        a.  What is matter

b. “the ratio of diffusion of liquids is higher than of solid’s” why?

c. 2 properties of solids and gases

d. full form of LPG and CNG

2.      Define the foll

·         Latent heat of fusion

·         Melting point

·         Fusion

·         Boiling point

3.      Define melting point of a solid. At what temperature in the kelvin scale does ice melt? In the experiment to determine the melting point of ice, why does the temperature not rise till all the ice melts though heat is continuously supplied? What is this heat energy called?

4.      What is evaporation? List the factors which affect the rate of evaporation and explain their effect on it?

5.      Diff b/w solids and gases

6.      Boiling point and melting point

7.      What is sublimation? In the follow state which factor is responsible for the change in rate of evaporation and how?

8.      What is the relation b/w boiling point of a liquid and the intermolecular forces of attraction b/w the particles of a liquid?


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