electrolysis icse 10.worksheet 001


1.       What is electrolysis

2.       differentiate between electrolytes and non electrolytes

3.       what is an electrolytic cell

4.       differentiate between anode and cathode

5.       draw a neat labeled diagram of an electrolytic cell

6.       what happens when sodium chloride is subjected to electrolysis. Write the equation and explain

7.       give 2 examples of electrolytes and non electrolytes

8.       differentiate between strong and weak electrolytes

9.       mention the differences between anions and cations

10.   what are oxidizing electrodes

11.   define electrolytic dissociation

12.   explain the dissociation of sodium chloride in molten and aqueous state

13.   differentiate between metallic and electrolytic conduction

14.   what is electrochemical series

15.   define selective discharge of ions

16.   differentiate between active and inert electrodes

17.   state any 2 conditions for electroplating

18.   why do we have to electroplate a metal

19.   mention any 2 applications of electrolysis

20.   explain electrorefining if copper


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