icse 9 geography latitudes and longitudes 001

A .answer the following-

1.      Define latitude and distinguish b/w latitude and latitude line

2.      What is meant by the parallels of latitude

3.      Mention the names of important parallels of latitude

4.      Name is longitude and distinguish it from longitude line

5.      Name the important longitude line

6.      What is the other name of longitude line

7.      How are positions of places determine on globe

8.      What is prime meridian? Why is it so called?

9.      What are the effects of latitude on

a.       Temperature

b.      The length of day and night 

10.  Give a geographical term of each of the following as used on the map:

a.       Imaginary semi circles running north-south

b.      66 ½ N parallel of latitude

c.       Angular distance of a place east or west of the prime meridian

d.      23 ½ N to 23 ½ S

11.  How latitude and longitude help us to find location of places on the globe

12.  Why is 0 longitudes line known as the prime meridian


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