icse 9 revision worksheet biology 01 cell 01

                                                                                Icse class 9

Marks- 15                                                                                                                                                            Time- 20 mins

A.      Write one function for the following organelles                                                                                 [5]

a.       Cell wall

b.      Nucleus

c.       Centrioles

d.      Vacuoles

e.      Golgi apparatus

B.      Give the scientific name for the following                                                                                             [5]

a.       Brain of the cell

b.      Protective layer of the cell

c.       Power house of the cell

d.      Kitchen of the cell

e.      Semi permeable membrane of the cell

C.      Differentiate between the following                                                                                                      [5]

a.       Lysosomes and ribosomes

b.      Leucoplasts and chromoplasts

c.       Cell wall and cell membrane

d.      Animal and plant cell

e.      Plasma membrane and cell membrane



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