
A.     Fill in the blanks

1.      I would have helped my friends ______________ I had enough money

2.      Snakes would not bite_________________ they are crushed

3.      The police fined him ________________ he had violated

4.      I will read ten hours daily ________________ I can come first

5.      I did it this way ________________ do it likewise

6.      I shall not pay the fine ____________ they ask for it

7.      We work ____________ we may earn money.

8.      They will wait for me _____________ I come back

9.      I can lend you my book ____________ you return it tomorrow

10.  He sees ____________ he is a one-eyed man

Question tags

A.     Fill in the blanks

1.      Shut the window_______________?

2.       Shut the window_______________?

3.      Don’t waste your time______________?

4.      That boy has no knowledge_____________________?

5.      Stand up___________________?

6.      Let us walk together_____________________?

7.      Let ram sleep____________________?

8.      I don’t need to ask him _________________?

9.      Everybody is my friends____________________?

10.  It is true______________?


B.     Fill in the blank

1.      He comes _________ my house daily

2.      She was charged_______________ murder

3.      He gained an advantages _____________me

4.      They rested ___________ the shade of a mango tree.

5.      The godown was infested ____________rats

6.      His father deals ____________ sugar

7.      He invited me __________ tea

8.      He jumped_____________ my offer

9.      Rakesh jumped ___________ my offer

10.  It has been raining ______________ Sunday


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