icse grade 9 and 10 indian heroes-001


A.     Answer the following

1.       Who was Mrs baruah? What was her full name? why did she exclaim “wonderfull”?

2.       What was the assignments given by Mrs baruah? What was the strength of the class? How do we know that the children had done the assignment ?

3.       Were the students eager to speak in front of their classmates? What did there eagerness indicate?

4.       Name the next two speakers. What did they want to become when they grew up ?

5.       Do you like the way Mrs baruah conducts her class? Give reason?

6.       How did he conduct his mission? Was he successful?

7.       What was kabeer’s condition when he got up to speech?

8.       Why was kabeer nervous? What happened there after?

9.       Who was Vishnu zende? What made him guess that something was wrong?

10.   What does Vishnu zende’s staying at his position, in the face of danger, tell us about him? How did his announcements help the people?

11.   What was the scene outside the classroom when kabeer spoke about Mr.zende? were the students affected by it?

12.   About whom did kabeer speak about next? What role did he play during the terrorist attacks in Mumbai ?

13.   What loss did the hero suffer in the terrorist attacks ? how ? what was hois reaction to that irreparable loss?

14.   What qualities of that hero inspired kabeer?

15.   Comments on the character of the manager

16.   What was his ‘own irreparable loss’?

17.   What does the term “heritage structure” signify? Why was there a need for restoring it?

18.   Illustrate the characters of kabeer on yhr basis of his assignment ?

19.   Discuss the various themes prevalent in the story. Being a citizen of your nation how would you make yourself useful for others?

20.   Justify the title of the story ‘India’s heroes’?



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