cell cycle icse 10

1)      Why do we need new cells, give 4 statements to justify your answer

2)      Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis

3)      What is interphase

4)      What is a aster, when do they appear in the cell division

5)      What are spindle fibres

6)      What happens in metaphase

7)      What is telophase

8)      Differentiate between cytokinesis and karyokinesis

9)      Differentiate between mitosis in animal and plant cell

10)   Mention any 2 significance of mitosis

11)   In the G1 phase ____________ and ____ are synthesized, volume of __ increases. In plants _ and _ divides.

12)   What are the 2 paths the G1 phase can choose

13)   More DNA is synthesized and chromosomes are duplicated- which phase of the cell cycle is this

14)   Which is the shorter phase of the cell cycle

15)   ___ and ___ are synthesized in G2 phase

16)   _ and _ cells do not undergo division ones formed

17)   ___ are the cells divide ones in 2 years to replace the damage cells

18)   Cell cycle is endless. True or false. If false correct the statement

19)   Sex cells are produced by _____ division

20)   When the cells have lost control on there division. What type od division does it signify

21)   Explain cell production and cell death with respect to-

a.       Adults

b.      Old aged people

c.       Children

22)   Differentiate between haploid and diploid chromosomes

23)   What is reduction division

24)   Mention any 2 significance of meiosis

25)   Why is variation very important


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