absorption by roots

1.       Why is absorption by roots a necessary evil for the plants

2.       Mention any 2 important functions o the roots

3.       Why does plants need water

4.       Differentiate between transpiration and transportation

5.       Mechanical stiffness is bought by turgidity. Explain

6.       Name few minerals which are very important for the plants

7.       What  are enzymes

8.       Mention 3 characteristics which is very important in the plant roots for absorbing water

9.       What is cell sap. What does it consists of

10.   Why do root hair have thin cell wall

11.   The root hair cell membrane is very thin and semipermeable. Explain

12.   What is imbibition

13.   Define diffusion

14.   What is osmosis. How is it related to semi permeable membrane

15.   What is imbibitional pressure

16.   What is ascent of sap. How is an important phenomenan for the plants

17.   Give any 2 examples of diffusion in your day to day life

18.   What is a semi permeable membrane. How are they useful for the plants

19.   What is osmotic pressure

20.   Differentiate between endosmosis and exosmosis

21.   Define the following-

a.       Isotonic

b.      Hypotonic

c.       Hypertonic solutions. What happens when the cell is placed in the above type of solutions

22.   What is an active transport

23.   How are the following terms related to each other with respect to the variation the solution concentration- turgidity, flaccidity, plasmolysis

24.   What is plasmolysis, when does it occur

25.   When do you call a cell to be turgid

26.   Differentiate between turgor pressure and wall pressure

27.   What is deplasmolysis

28.   What is bleeding of the stem means

29.   How is turgidity helpful in plants

30.   What are pulvinus. Where are the located

31.   What is root pressure. How is it important to the plants

32.   What is guttation

33.   Mention the forces that contribute for the ascent of sap

34.   What is girdling. Why do we conduct this experiment

35.   What is capillary force

36.   What is transpiration pull

37.   How does adhesion help in ascent of sap


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